Human beings tend to get stuck on negative thinking ; when you believe in yourself, you break this habit. Why is it that we seem to concentrate on what we can’t do instead of what we can?
Why may not be the most important issue. What you will do to change is much more important. And change is possible. It is very possible to learn to think more positively. It is possible to learn to believe in yourself.
When you set out to believe in yourself, you may find all kinds of thoughts coming to mind that push you in the other direction. If you grew up with, or are living with, someone who thinks you don’t have the skill or talent to do something, the constant reminders of this coming from that person makes it hard to overcome those negative thoughts.
But it can be done.
Bruce Lee said, “The successful warrior is an average (woman or) man with laser-like focus.”
And what is that laser focus directed toward? What they can do! How they are progressing!
The essence of martial arts practice and a great application to all facets of your life is this: Believe in yourself – never give up!
Stop worrying about how much better someone else is compared to you. Think instead on what you have, what you can do, and what you can build on further.
Adaptation is a key to success. Maintain a flexible approach to your martial arts and other aspects of your life, continuing to strive for what you want and to build self-confidence, self-belief. Continue to believe in yourself.
Take a close look at yourself and pinpoint the strengths, the potential you have. This is the first step toward making sure you believe in yourself. Next, get over the barrier of fear. This barrier keeps many from trying new challenges. They fear not succeeding. Then, challenge yourself. Take on the scary things. Believe in yourself enough to do what is needed to attempt that which you don’t think you can do.
Learn to talk to yourself like a champion. Tell yourself the truth: You can do things you don’t think you can do. Believe in yourself!
Shifu Raymond Ahles at Blue Dragon School of Martial Arts is ready and able to help you in practicing the basics of kung fu and in learning to believe in yourself. Contact him at 201-385-3130 today and get started or started again!