Recommended Articles For Blue Dragon School Students (Getting Started):
‘Think About It! Pa Kua Chang’s Infinite Strategies’ (Inside Kung Fu Magazine, May, 1995)
‘Applied Yin & Yang’ (Aug & Sept, 1999)
‘Yi Jing, The Book of Changes’ (First half of 1998)
‘Wu Xing, The Five Elements’ (Late 1998 – Early 1999)
‘Instructional Series: The Magic of the Circle’ (Apr, ’01)
‘Stretching For Action’ (Spring, ’02)
‘More Than A Warm-up’ (Spring, ’02)
‘Dou Zhang: Your First Palm Exercise’ (Summer, ’02)
‘Seize & Control’ (Aug/Sept, ’02)
‘How is Ba Gua Zhang Different’ (Oct, ’02)
‘How Is Ba Gua Zhang Different – Part 2’ (Nov/Dec, ’02)
‘The Reality of Self Defense’ (April, ’03)
‘The Power of Chi Kung’ (Sep/Oct, ’03)
‘Ch’i Kung: The Martial Side’ (Nov/Dec, ’03)
‘Our Logo: What Does It Mean?’ (Jan/Feb, ’04)
‘A Breath of Fresh Energy’ (Mar/Apr, ’04)
‘A Bit of History’ (May/Jun, ’04)
‘The Lesson of the ‘Lessons” (May/Jun, ’04)
‘A Traditional Education’ (Jul/Aug, ’04)
‘While At The Dojang…’ (Sep/Oct, ’04)
‘Practicing Together’ (Jan/Feb, ’05)
Also see: Ch’iang Shang Pa Kua Association website