Kung Fu for Teens (12 to 17 years)
New Students get FOUR WEEKS FREE!
Martial Arts is the perfect activity for teens, and our program is carefully designed to be relevant to their lives and their goals for the future.
Teen boys and girls who participate in martial arts develop strength, better motor skills, endurance and agility. They learn impulse control and anger management. Through our traditional Shaolin Kung Fu program, they will experience functional fitness training. They also develop a solid technical base and a set of healthy habits that give them an edge in martial arts, sports, at home, in school and in life.
Many teens are attracted to our program because of our focus on helping them earn credentials for a college application, a job application, or an internship or mentorship. Schools and employers recognize the work that goes into earning a high rank in the martial arts, and our instructor training program helps teens earn instructor certifications. They acquire skills and gain experience that they can demonstrate to an interviewer.
We know that teens face considerable peer pressure, so right from the start, the Martial Arts Mindset emphasizes character development in areas such as confidence, discipline, respect, and focus. They will understand the importance of making good choices and take responsibility for the results they get from the actions they take and the effort they make. In class, teens are around other teens who reinforce and support the good choices they make – providing positive peer pressure.
It all starts with a great staff, and great training. Our Lead Instructors all have kids and like kids, and our Assistant Instructors all came up through our Kung Fu program, many starting as kids themselves. We’re part of SKILLZ Worldwide, an international organization dedicated to excellence in age-appropriate kids martial arts training that is based on the science and psychology of children’s Stages of Development, and it shows. When you watch a class, you’ll see us using the best practices of the best martial arts schools in the world.
Make sure you visit us on FB and join the Blue Dragon SKILLZ for Parents – Private Group for helpful tips and information from our Parent SKILLZ program.
From the ‘Welcome Back’ as you walk in, to the bow of respect to each other and at the beginning and end of every class, we leave nothing to chance and do everything we can to make every visit to the Blue Dragon School the best part of your day.
New students get FOUR WEEKS FREE!
Here’s how it works: when you join, you pay $99 for your Startup Package – your uniform (T-shirt, pants, required shoes) and string backpack. You’ll get a password to the ‘Members Only’ section on the website with videos and downloads to help you learn and practice (Coming Soon!). Your first four weeks are free, and your martial arts tuition isn’t due until day 28. If you can’t stay with us for any reason, just let us know and we’ll cancel your membership – no stress, no strings, no pressure.